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About Troop 1323

Welcome to Scouts BSA Troop 1323!  

Dear New Scout Parent,  

As your son advances from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA, he will discover a whole new world of fun  and exciting adventures. It is a very different experience, with many new challenges. But neither  you nor your son will ever be alone. There are plenty of new friends awaiting each of you to guide  you along the way.  

Troop 1323 is fortunate enough to have our own Scout Hut, Quartermaster Shed, and troop trailer.  This Troop is also Scout-run—meaning the Scouts select, plan and execute their own program.  The Scouts are the leaders. The adult volunteers are here merely to provide guidance and keep  things safe. It isn’t always pretty, but the process is vital to helping the Scouts  

Our program offers the following:  

  • Weekly Troop Meeting
  • Monthly Camping
  • Week-long Summer Camp
  • Annual High Adventure Program for older boys
  • Fully-Trained Scout Leaders and Adult Volunteers

Typical camp-outs include activities such as backpacking, canoeing, shooting sports, (rifles,  shotguns, archery), biking, hiking, fishing, horsemanship, climbing/rappelling, and more.  

Not all boys are alike. So not all Scout troops are alike. It is important for your son to find a troop  where he can feel comfortable, succeed, and—of course—have fun. We hope that your son will  make new friends, try new things, and enjoy new adventures. But if something doesn’t seem to be  working, or if your son appears to be losing interest, let us know. Troop 1323 is more than just a  Scout troop—we are a family. We are here to help.  

You will find that Troop 1323 is a great place to have fun while learning basic Scouting skills,  enjoying the outdoors, and building strong character traits for life. Please let me—or any other  adult volunteer—know if you have any questions.  

Yours in Scouting,  

Tom Glave – Scoutmaster 


We are glad you have taken the time to visit our troop. This is an overview of the troop to give you an idea of what to expect if your son makes the decision to join Troop 1323.

Troop 1323:

  • Is Boy-led
  • Has about 40+ active scouts at any given time
  • Is chartered by Plymouth United Church
  • We will celebrate our 50th year in 2024
  • Has its own Scout House for meeting and activities
  • Camps Monthly
  • Encourages Adult Participation
  • Meets on Mondays at 7:00, Location: Scout Hut – 5927 Louetta Rd. on Plymouth United Church Property


The Boy Scouting movement aims to build character, foster citizenship, and develop mental, moral and physical fitness. The ideals of scouting are spelled out in the Scout Oath, The Scout Law, Motto (Be Prepared), Slogan (Do a Good Turn Daily) and Outdoor Code.


The Troop Staff (Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters) and the Troop Committee ( parents who have volunteered to help in specific capacity) seek to accomplish the ideals of Boy Scouting in a manner such that the boys have fun. The boys assume as much responsibility for the Troop’s program as possible by learning and practicing leadership through the use of the patrol method. The patrol method is and essential feature of scouting. It is the formation of boys into patrols of six to eight scout who train, amp and compete as separate units within the Troop with each patrol under its own elected and responsible Patrol Leader. The main objective of the patrol method is to give the boy-leaders real free-handed responsibility. Patrols of new scouts are formed as the majority of AOL scouts joining the troop have crossed over from Cub Scouts. Troop Guides (older scouts who have attained the rank of First Class or above) are assigned to each new scout patrol to serve as resources to the boys during their first year in the troop. New scout patrols elect a patrol leader (PL) and assistant patrol leader (APL), as do all other patrols. All patrols reform and elect new PL an APL just before each Court of Honor, semi-annually. New cross-over scouts will select their PL on a more routine basis their first year.


The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) heads the Patrol Leadership council (PLC). The PLC is comprised of all patrol and assistant patrol leaders and the boys in the troop leadership positions, including Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders, Scribe, quartermaster, Librarian, Historian, Chaplain’s aide, Webmaster, Instructors and Troop Guides. This group of boys plans the troop’s meetings and troop activities during the PLC meetings. PLC meetings are typically held immediately before each regular meeting, from 6:30 to 7:00pm.


There is typically one campout every month. There are some campouts that are annual traditions, such as shooting sports, Backpacking, canoeing, and one focused on new scouts. Others vary slightly from year to year. Adults are always welcome on campouts by mush have a current Youth Protection Training Certificate and be registered with the troop. Adults camp with the “Amigo Patrol” which is the adult leaders. Prior to each campout, a permission slip is made available listing the details of the campout, including the fees. Fees are specific to each campout and cover food as well as any entrance fees, or special equipment or supplies for the campout and are paid when the permission slip is due, typically the Monday prior to the campout. Boys camp with their patrol. They plan their meals together and then at least one boy from each patrol meets adult leaders to shop for the food on Thursday prior to the campout, while another member of the patrol is at the scout house loading equipment for the campout into the troop trailer.

Summer Camp

Troop 1323 attends summer camp for one week, usually in June. Scouts wishing to attend will usually pay the camp fee in payment installments. A deposit is typically required in January or February, and the balance by May (depending on the where the Troop plans to attend that year for camp). The amount for camp varies, depending on the location chosen for the year. We try to attend camp closer to home every third year, alternating with a grander, more remote location the other years. Camp fees range from $350 – $450. Transportation chargers, T-shirts, etc. will be added to the above fees. We have traveled in private vehicles to El Rancho Cima, but traditionally we use busses or planes to go to the other camps. More information regarding summer camp is published in special notices as necessary. The Troop provides several fundraising opportunities throughout the year to assist in covering Summer Camp fees, also with any other expenses associate with scouting. In addition to summer camp, there is usually a high adventure trip for boys who are 14 and older. The troop has been to Philmont a handful of times, most recently attending Summer (2021). The scouts attended a high adventure trip to Northern Tier in Canada (2023), Sea Base in the Florida Keys (2022) and plan to attend Philmont again this Summer (2024).


An excellent list of Items needed by each scout for outdoor activities can be found in the BSA Scout Handbook. Each Scout is responsible for their own personal equipment and tent. Some parents find as their scout advances, higher quality personal equipment can be used to incentivize him to move the the next rank, ex: buy his own tent, a better sleeping bag, hiking boots or a backpack. (Don’t buy an expensive backpack early in a boy’s scouting career as it may not fit him in several years when he will really need it!). He does need a cup, personal silverware and a plastic plate for eating on campouts (mess kit). Scouts bring their own tents and are encouraged to “buddy Up” with another scout to share tents. A scout may not tent alone until First Class rank has been obtained. Adults and Scouts may not share a tent. Please label all items coming with him with first and last name. If an item turns up missing, it’s much easier to identify in out “lost and found”. Sheathe knives and axes are not authorized personal gear for Troop 1323 Scouts. They may carry a locking pocketknife when they have completed their “Totin’ Chip” requirements.


A new scout will have the opportunity to advance through the ranks of Boy Scouts while they master life skills and be introduced to a variety of information by completing merit badges. While there are many resources, adult leaders and troop guides ready to assist the boys, each scout works at his own pace and is responsible for his own advancement. Our Troop is proud of the scouts who have achieved the highest rank in Boy Scouts, the rank of Eagle Scout. In the past five years, Troop 1323 has had 22 boys become Eagle Scouts. In the 49 year history, over 165 Scouts have achieved Eagle!

Registration Fee

The Troop Re-charters every November. Each Scout and adult is charged a registration fee at that time. If a scout joins the Troop in the middle of the Troop’s fiscal Year, he is charged a prorated fee. The current Re-charter fee is *$235 for scouts and *$95 for adults. *This can change on a yearly basis. A credit is given for scouts that re-chartered that calendar year with their pack as well as the 2nd (and additional )scout in a family. Re-charter paper work for 2024


The troop fundraisers each year. Proceeds from these fundraisers go directly into a “Scout Bucks” account for each boy, which can then be used to offset scout dues, various registration fees, purchase uniforms, scouting books. Several boys have had their entire summer camp fees covered by fundraising proceeds. Some of the fundraisers we do annually are Mulch/Fertilizer Sales (Jan/Feb), Nuts (Spring), Popcorn (Fall).

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